Jeff Webb of The American Populist Encourages Those Confronting Democrats Vulnerable Over Impeachment


Jeff Webb, founder of The American Populist, offered encouragement to the grassroots activists who are confronting Democratic members of Congress abusing their powers by supporting impeachment.

“It is amazing, and awe inspiring, to watch these patriots take the initiative and stand against this ridiculous sham. This is just the beginning. The New American Populist will continue to work with and support these brave Americans in these critical districts as they support this president who has championed the middle class,” Webb noted…

“The last time the Democrats controlled the House in 2010 they used the same partisan power play tactics to ram through Obamacare. A decade later, the Democrat majority has done nothing to advance the interest of working Americans. As we face the 2020 elections, the righteous intensity of patriotic Americans will not be stopped at the ballot box or anywhere else. We now see that every member of Congress who votes for impeachment is devoid of both conscience and common sense. Grassroots leader and organizers around the country have been galvanized by this outrageously partisan and time-wasting exercise of tyranny by the temporary majority in the House of Representatives. By their actions, the Democrat leadership has sealed their political fate in November, and grassroots activists around the country will be certain to remind them every day and every way of that reckoning to come,” Webb concluded.

Politico reported as far back as October that House Democrats in red states who supported impeachment were having difficulty defending their decision back home.

U.S. Rep. Sean Casten (D-IL), an enthusiastic supporter of impeachment, was confronted at a town hall meeting over the summer.

Right off the bat at his first town hall here, a woman tore into Pelosi and Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, accusing them of “lying their little butts off” and saying that a whistleblower’s complaint about Trump’s interactions with Ukraine’s president “looks like a bunch of 13-year-old girls gossiping.”

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Jason M. Reynolds has more than 20 years’ experience as a journalist at outlets of all sizes.





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